CBD and the Brain: What Does It Do and What Is It Good For?
Most people who have dipped their toe in cannabis science understand that cannabinoids like THC and CBD bind to traditional cannabinoid type I and II (CB1 and CB2) receptors. However, these are not the only receptors that cannabinoids target.
A “newly discovered” target called GPR55 has emerged as a major contributor to many of cannabis' actions in the brain and body.
CBD in particular has a wide range of therapeutic benefits because of its numerous targets other than CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the brain and body. For instance, it reduces anxiety by boosting the brain’s serotonin system, and CBD activation of TRPV1 channels helps reduce pain. But a “newly discovered” target called the G-protein coupled receptor 55, commonly referred to as GPR55, has emerged as a major contributor to many of cannabis’ actions in the brain and body, including CBD’s benefits in preventing seizures and combating cancerous tumors.
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Contributed by JOSH KAPLAN
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